Australia Problems: Venomous snake closes streets in Melbourne

Did you hear the one about the snake that tried to cross the road?

Well, most of Australia now has. The tiger snake, which is venomous, appeared very lost in an Australian intersection.

The wayward snake prompted this bulletin from the city of Melbourne and the police closure of a couple of streets.

As you do.

And naturally, a flurry of interest.

Attracting media and onlookers.

And this guy, a professional snake catcher.

Barry Goldsmith, who really is a professional snake charmer, reptile catcher, said it is a little unusual to see this kind of snake in the city, but they are common in the region.

According to the city, the a tiger snake had fallen from  underneath a car near the corner of Spencer and Collins Street just before noon local time. Goldsmith told reporters they can “hitch-hike” to the city.

“But they do live around here, they eat mice and rats and we’re swamped with those at the moment,” Goldsmith said. 

“While City of Melbourne park rangers regularly respond to reports of snakes in some of our parks, this is the first sighting of a venomous snake in the central CBD in recent memory,” the city said in a statement.

The snake was actually injured – it’s not clear how — but will be taken to a vet.

Goldsmith said he was optimistic it would recover.

The buzz around the city, however, may not.

Photo City of Melbourne/Twitter

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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