Champi was coated in sticky coal tar, debris and glued to the pavement when she was spotted helplessly stuck in Solapur, India.
“Champi wasn’t even recognizable as a dog,” the rescue team from Animal Rahat explained this week in posting a video of the dog’s ordeal.
First, the dog was sedated to remove her from the ground.

Then, it took four days to gently remove the tar using vegetable and coconut oil .

But through it all, she remained calm and playful.
Her personality was really shining through, according to rescuers.

Now, her brown and white fur has grown back.

And, she’s been adopted by a loving family.
“She spends her days running in the fields at her new home and playing with her animal friends, including some rescued chickens,” Animal Rahat added.
PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, also shared the incredible transformation video.
“This dog could have experienced a lonely, terrifying death, stuck in a tar-filled gutter, if it weren’t for Animal Rahat’s first responders’ lifesaving action,” PETA vice president Colleen O’Brien said in a statement “PETA hopes this dog’s happy ending inspires people everywhere to keep an eye out for animals in trouble and always come to their rescue.”
Animal Rahat, (Rahat means relief in Hindi) is run by volunteers, veterinarians, animal caretakers and a community educator.
Champi is just their latest success story.
“Nothing can hold her back from living her best life,” the group added in its YouTube video.