A homeless man from Colombia is winning hearts online after a video emerged of him celebrating his birthday with his dogs.
In a video shared on Instagram, the clip captured late at night shows the man putting party hats on the two dogs and petting them sitting on a stairway.
As no birthday party is complete without a cake, he then goes ahead and pulls out a small cake from a plastic bag.
The video, which began circulating on Instagram, shows a man sitting down outside with his two dogs. He then puts birthday hats on his dogs and takes out a cake from inside his backpack, cutting it into slices and serving it to each of the dogs on a plate.
The very well-behaved dogs wait for the cake until everyone is ready to eat.
Lighting some candles, the man sings “Happy Birthday” to his dogs and showering them with kisses. And if wasn’t already heartwarming enough, the man identified as Choco gives the dogs a piece of cake on a plate.
Rótelo, a journalist who first posted the video, said the man lives on the street of the Cabecera neighbourhood in Barranquilla, Bucaramanga. Despite being homeless, the man is known for taking care of his dogs and is often seen with his furry friends.
After ending the video, the person filming approached Choco to learn his name and story, and to offer help to him and his dogs. But after the clip was posted online, many more people would follow suit.
Turns out, Choco has spent the last several years living on the streets after escaping an abusive home. All the while, he’s seen to it that Shaggy and Nena never go without.
And now strangers are doing the same for him.The viral video has led to dozens of people trying to look for work for him.