Seven puppy “castaways” rescued from remote island in northern Manitoba

In a real-life Isle of Dogs, somehow a litter of puppies became stranded on an island in northern Manitoba.

A boater heard their cries earlier this week and when he went to investigate, spotted the skinny, young pups. Once a local animal welfare group was notified, a rescue plan was in motion.

Norway House Animal Rescue posted some incredible videos of the seven pups being saved from the uninhabited speck of land near Cross Lake.

The effort quickly became dubbed “Operation Gilligan’s Island” after the television castaways.

Their cries for help will melt your heart.

It’s not clear how they got there, or how long the 4-month-old dogs had been on the island.

But their tails wagging at a good meal says so much.

Fittingly, the puppies have been named after the characters from the 1960s hit TV show.

No doubt this Skipper, Gilligan, professor, movie star, millionaire, his wife and Mary Ann got much more than a three-hour tour.

“Thank you JR Cook, his brother Bob, and Leon Colombe for saving these 7 stranded puppies, feeding them, going back and forth to help them,” animal shelter director Debra Vandekerkhove posted Facebook by way of update. “And even bringing them a doghouse to stay safe in. You are all real Hero’s for everything you have done.”

The puppies will be making the long trek south, bound for Winnipeg where they will be eventually put up for adoption.

Somehow this puppies became abandoned on a remote island in northern Manitoba. Debra Vandekerkhove/Facebook

Meantime, offers to help have been pouring in.

Sometimes people are the best.

Photos Debra Vandekerkhove/Norway House Animal Rescue/Facebook

About the author

Recovering newspaper reporter.

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