Revenge for a good cause: Animal shelter offers to “neuter your ex for Valentine’s Day”

Here’s a Valentine’s Day promotion for animal lovers and ex-lovers alike.

New Jersey-based Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center is offering to capture feral cats, fix them and name them after ex-boyfriend, or girlfriend, in exchange for donations this Valentine’s Day.

“For just $50, Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center will name a feral cat after your ex,” the shelter promises.

“The cat will then be spayed or neutered before being released back to their colony as part of our trap-neuter-return (TNR) program.,” it adds.

The TNR helps break the breeding cycle in the feral cat population around Blackwood, NJ.

“Your donation ensures we can offer spay/neuter surgery at reduced costs for community cats and their caretakers in need,” the facility says.

When making the donation, Homeward Bound suggests clicking the “in honor” text box to let them know who each feral cat should be named after. 

“Because some things shouldn’t breed,” the shelter says.

Tell us what your really think? This kitty is available for adoptions. Photo: Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center

Photos: Cats available for adoption/Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center

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My name is Orman and I’m a Dribbbling, Tweeting Web Designer based in the UK. I spend most of my time designing WordPress Themes and other goodies for designers at

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