Imagine for nine hours a day, being cooped up inside and looking out to the world outside.
That’s the plight of most of us humans who have to work.
Now a new program in Melbourne is setting up to save humans and in the process get dogs adopted.
The Lost Dogs’ Home hosted the first Human Walking Program at Flagstaff Garden in which office workers were rescued and taken for walks.
Studies have shown the average working hours of full-time employees in Australia are long and have been steadily getting longer which is contributing to extra stress, poor family relations and a lower quality of social relationships.
The Lost Dogs’ Home General Manager of Fundraising and Communications Kate Hoelter said shelter dogs will be helping get Melbourne office workers out from behind their desks and into the fresh air.
Dogs are a widely known stress reliever and companion. We are thrilled to offer CBD workers a much needed outdoor break with our wonderful dogs up for adoption. We don’t always realise as office workers how many hours we spend cooped up inside rarely getting out. So what better way to spend a lunch break than with a friend who will no doubt take the stress out of your day?”
Ambassador Mike Larkan said the event was another great way to encourage people to consider adoption when getting a dog and to support the work of The Lost Dogs’ Home.
It’s a fantastic way to motivate people to get outside during their breaks and also meet firsthand some of the wonderful dogs up for adoption at the Home. I will be down there on the day taking some the dogs for a walk, doing Give-a-Dog-a-Home and enjoying the fresh air.”